
Christopher Sullivan

Saxophone – Jazz Camp Week 2, Advanced Package, Jazz Camp Package


hristopher Sullivan is an indispensable member of the SJW family, having been head counsellor at Jazz Camp and Jazz Institute for many years, as well as a frequent performer at SJW jams and noon concerts.

He recently returned to his native San Francisco Bay Area to put his talents as a saxophonist, composer, and educator to work. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Performance and Music Education from the University of Southern California. While pursuing his D.M.A., Chris worked as a teaching assistant for director Bob Mintzer, leading undergraduate and graduate courses in improvisation, composition, small ensemble, and jazz orchestra. He has studied privately with Roy McCurdy, Rich Perry, Bob Mintzer, Vincent Herring, Bob Sheppard, and Dayna Stephens.

Dr. Sullivan also holds a M.M. from William Paterson University and a B.M. from the California Jazz Conservatory. Chris also teaches at the Glendale Community College, Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, and currently serves as Chair of the Musicianship Department at the California Jazz Conservatory, where he teaches ear training, improvisation, and private lessons. He is active in the Los Angeles and San Francisco music scenes, appearing on several albums currently in circulation, including Michael Buble’s most recent album, “Love.”

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