Stanford Jazz Workshop Housing

During our summer immersion programs, over half of SJW students choose to stay in Stanford Housing. Staying on campus while you participate in such an intensive program lets you connect to the full range of opportunities that SJW has to offer. For example, all students are invited to attend the nightly Stanford Jazz Festival concerts, where you get to see some of the greatest jazz artists in the world perform — the same artists you learn from during the day. Staying on campus makes the late-evening programming easier to access.

Participants ages 13–17 stay in Stanford dorms or row houses, all of which are comfortable, clean, and safe, as well as being very close to the classrooms and concert venues we use. SJW’s meal plans for minor residents give you flexibility and a range of healthy choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As a young participant, you’ll stay with students your own age, and you’ll be supervised by SJW counselors, most of whom are jazz musicians themselves, and love talking about music. There is no co-ed housing for participants ages 17 and under.

Adults at Jazz Institute can choose to stay in on-campus student dorms, which are comfortable, clean, and safe, and provide basic housing at a reasonable price that is as close as possible to our classrooms and programs. Adult dorms are separate from minor dorm housing, and are based on double occupancy. Adults may request a single room before the deadline of June 1; please note that single rooms are subject to availability. Adults may also choose to find their own lodging at nearby hotels, AirBnB properties, or other options.

For more information about your housing options while at SJW call us at 650-736-0324. Housing and meal options are subject to change without notice.