Meals for campers age 17 and under

Updated: December 6, 2023

Meals at SJW

There are lots of great places to eat on campus! Click here for more information.

Meals for commuting students

Plan to bring some cash or a credit card to camp if you want to purchase food on campus. Meal cards are not provided for commuter students.

Meal cards for dorm resident students

As a dorm resident under the age of 18, you’ll receive two electronic meal cards that will cover food costs at Tresidder Student Union eateries and Stanford Dining cafeterias for the entire week. Each card will have funds to cover the costs of your meals for the week. Please use your meal cards responsibly in order to make the funds last throughout the week.

Please report lost cards immediately to a counselor or to SJW staff, since they are as valuable as cash. New meal cards must be ordered and processed through University Dining, so please keep your card in a secure spot when not in use.

You can use SJW food cards at the Tresidder Student Union eateries and the Dining Halls. We’ll give you a tour of the dining areas, so you can see what’s available. 

A few retail food services, notably Jamba Juice and Starbucks Coffee, do not accept SJW Meal Cards. Bring some cash to camp if you want to purchase food from these or other non-participating food vendors. Counselors will review the meal plan with you at the dorm meeting at the Dorm Resident Orientation on your first day of camp.